katrina frye zoo labs learn all about the money

Your Instructor: Katrina Frye

Get Ready to Monetize

Time to convert your craft into cash! We'll talk traditional music industry methods, and bounce around some new models that you can experiment with.

We recommend watching this course if you've already defined your brand, set up your business structure, and have some products or services for sale.

"We hope to empower artists to combat the antiquated byline that you might be a starving artist, that you might be incapable... let's break out today and know that we are capable, brilliant, and innovative."

- Katrina Frye

Indie Expert

For over a decade, Katrina has been helping artists scale their brands & claim their place in the new music landscape. She's the founder of Lauretta Records & a professor in music entrepreneurship & music marketing.

Manifesting Money

Get ready to work - this course is interactive! We've created several activities for you to learn the lingo to be taken seriously, create your budget, & execute strategies - so you can have money flowing towards you for years to come.

An Artist Making It Happen

Mama Haze, aka Meaghan Maples, is a Bay Area vocalist & songwriter making a living creating music for TV & film. She shares her top 3 tips on how you can start living as a full-time artist.

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