Artist and creative entrepreneur Favour Obasi-ike teaches this free course on Zoo Labs LEARN about SEO for Artists and Entrepreneurs: How to Help Your Audience Find You Online. Learn best practices on search engine optimization, and tools to help drive traffic to your website and guide your audience to all your online content.

Your Instructor: Favour Obasi-ike

"Think about how to structure your content so that the right people can find you faster."

Favour consults business leaders, entrepreneurs, and creative professionals who need help scaling their revenue goals using custom-built strategies and working systems. With over 10 years of experience in the industry, Favour has expertise in search engine optimization (SEO), content creation and distribution, email marketing, organic and paid social advertising, and podcasting. He's also an artist and drummer (Flaev Beatz)!

As a creative entrepreneur, it's crucial to make the process of discovering your offerings as easy as possible. In this course Favour shares best practices for SEO (search engine optimization), plus lots of tools to help drive traffic to your website and guide your audience directly to all your online content. 

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Course Preview

Artist and creative entrepreneur Favour Obasi-ike teaches this free course on Zoo Labs LEARN about SEO for Artists and Entrepreneurs: How to Help Your Audience Find You Online. Learn best practices on search engine optimization, and tools to help drive traffic to your website and guide your audience to all your online content.
Tools to Get Started Today

Favour shares valuable tips and a long list of resources to help boost your online presence today - from audience research platforms to website analytics tools.

Artist and creative entrepreneur Favour Obasi-ike teaches this free course on Zoo Labs LEARN about SEO for Artists and Entrepreneurs: How to Help Your Audience Find You Online. Learn best practices on search engine optimization, and tools to help drive traffic to your website and guide your audience to all your online content.
Help Your People Find You!

There's a clear strategy and detailed method to help guide your target audience directly to your online offerings, and it begins with keyword research.

Artist and creative entrepreneur Favour Obasi-ike teaches this free course on Zoo Labs LEARN about SEO for Artists and Entrepreneurs: How to Help Your Audience Find You Online. Learn best practices on search engine optimization, and tools to help drive traffic to your website and guide your audience to all your online content.
Build Your Online Presence

Details matter - from the file name of the photo you post to the geo-location found in the metadata. Lots of tiny pieces of information help paint a bigger picture of who you are, what you do, and what you offer online.

What are you waiting for?

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